
Fillerina Everyday Formula – igapäevane innovatsioon Fillerina intensiivkuuri koostise oluliste kasuteguritega

Fillerina Everyday Formula kasutab samu aktiivseid transdermaalseid molekule nagu Fillerina intensiivhooldus ja vastavad kreemid, kuid on igapäevaseks kasutamiseks optimeeritud kontsentratsioonides. Need molekulid on tuntud oma võime poolest sügavale nahka tungida, vähendades tõhusalt vananemisilminguid. Regulaarsel kasutamisel tundub nahk silmnähtavalt noorem, siledam ja säravam.

  • Aktiivsed molekulid synergistically improve skin structure, pakkudes 12 erineva molekulmassiga hüaluroonhappe molekuli näo- ja kaelakortsude täitmiseks and tihendamiseks.

  • Nahk regains elasticity and tone, appearing gradually younger and fresher.

  • Uued Fillerina Everyday Formula kreemid on välja töötatud kergema koostisega, pakkudes meeldivat ja mugavat pealekandmist. Uuenduslik tekstuur võimaldab kreemil kergesti nahka imenduda.

Fillerina Everyday Formula tootesarja eripära on selle kohanemisvõime erinevate nahatüüpidega: olenemata sellest, kas Teie nahk on kuiv, rasune või tundlik, on uued emulsioonid koostatud vastavalt iga inimese konkreetsetele vajadustele. Dermatoloogilist taluvust on rangelt testitud, tagades, et iga nahk saab kasu võimsast vananemisvastasest toimest ilma ärrituse riskita.

  • -20%

    EELMÜÜK! Fillerina öökreem-emulsioon Everyday Formula tase 4, 50ml

    Original price was: €78,00.Current price is: €62,40.
    fillerina šveitsi patent ✓ A new, lighter daily-use emulsion with an optimized concentration ✓ Active molecules synergistically improve skin structure, filling facial and neck wrinkles ✓ Skin regains elasticity and tone, appearing gradually younger and fresher ✓ Helps deeply replenish all layers of the skin: 12 hyaluronic acids, 3 collagens, and 2 elastins ✓ Suitable for all skin types Fillerina Everyday Formula nourishing and lightweight emulsion with a velvety texture for nighttime use, enhancing the skin benefits of sleep GRADE 4

    One of the key features of the Fillerina Everyday Formula product line is its adaptability to different skin types: whether your skin is dry, oily, or sensitive, the new emulsions are formulated to meet each individual's specific needs. Its dermatological tolerance has been rigorously tested, ensuring that every skin type benefits from its powerful anti-aging effects without the risk of irritation. To achieve maximum results, the emulsion is enriched with patented transdermal technology and 3 enhancers.

    Fillerina 12HA kompleks: Šveitsi patent CH 705 713 Transdermaalne tehnoloogia: Šveitsi patent CH 711 466

  • -20%

    EELMÜÜK! Fillerina öökreem-emulsioon Everyday Formula tase 5, 50ml

    Original price was: €86,00.Current price is: €68,80.
    fillerina šveitsi patent ✓ A new, lighter daily-use emulsion with an optimized concentration ✓ Active molecules synergistically improve skin structure, filling facial and neck wrinkles ✓ Skin regains elasticity and tone, appearing gradually younger and fresher ✓ Helps deeply replenish all layers of the skin: 12 hyaluronic acids, 3 collagens, and 2 elastins ✓ Suitable for all skin types Fillerina Everyday Formula nourishing and lightweight emulsion with a velvety texture for nighttime use, enhancing the skin benefits of sleep GRADE 5

    One of the key features of the Fillerina Everyday Formula product line is its adaptability to different skin types: whether your skin is dry, oily, or sensitive, the new emulsions are formulated to meet each individual's specific needs. Its dermatological tolerance has been rigorously tested, ensuring that every skin type benefits from its powerful anti-aging effects without the risk of irritation. To achieve maximum results, the emulsion is enriched with patented transdermal technology and 3 enhancers.

    Fillerina 12HA kompleks: Šveitsi patent CH 705 713 Transdermaalne tehnoloogia: Šveitsi patent CH 711 466

  • -20%

    EELMÜÜK! Fillerina päevakreem-emulsioon Everyday Formula tase 4, 50ml

    Original price was: €68,00.Current price is: €54,40.
    fillerina šveitsi patent ✓ A new, lighter daily-use emulsion with an optimized concentration ✓ Active molecules synergistically improve skin structure, filling facial and neck wrinkles ✓ Skin regains elasticity and tone, appearing gradually younger and fresher ✓ Helps deeply replenish all layers of the skin: 12 hyaluronic acids, 3 collagens, and 2 elastins ✓ Suitable for all skin types Fillerina Everyday Formula – a light and fresh emulsion with a soft texture for morning/daytime use GRADE 4

    One of the key features of the Fillerina Everyday Formula product line is its adaptability to different skin types: whether your skin is dry, oily, or sensitive, the new emulsions are formulated to meet each individual's specific needs. It also works well as a makeup base. Its dermatological tolerance has been rigorously tested, ensuring that every skin type benefits from its powerful anti-aging effects without the risk of irritation. To achieve maximum results, the emulsion is enriched with patented transdermal technology and 3 enhancers.

    Fillerina 12HA kompleks: Šveitsi patent CH 705 713 Transdermaalne tehnoloogia: Šveitsi patent CH 711 466

  • -20%

    EELMÜÜK! Fillerina päevakreem-emulsioon Everyday Formula tase 5, 50ml

    Original price was: €78,00.Current price is: €62,40.
    fillerina šveitsi patent ✓ A new, lighter daily-use emulsion with an optimized concentration ✓ Active molecules synergistically improve skin structure, filling facial and neck wrinkles ✓ Skin regains elasticity and tone, appearing gradually younger and fresher ✓ Helps deeply replenish all layers of the skin: 12 hyaluronic acids, 3 collagens, and 2 elastins ✓ Suitable for all skin types Fillerina Everyday Formula – a light and fresh emulsion with a soft texture for morning/daytime use GRADE 5

    One of the key features of the Fillerina Everyday Formula product line is its adaptability to different skin types: whether your skin is dry, oily, or sensitive, the new emulsions are formulated to meet each individual's specific needs. It also works well as a makeup base. Its dermatological tolerance has been rigorously tested, ensuring that every skin type benefits from its powerful anti-aging effects without the risk of irritation. To achieve maximum results, the emulsion is enriched with patented transdermal technology and 3 enhancers.

    Fillerina 12HA kompleks: Šveitsi patent CH 705 713 Transdermaalne tehnoloogia: Šveitsi patent CH 711 466

  • -20%

    EELMÜÜK! Fillerina silmaümbruskreem-emulsioon Everyday Formula tase 4, 25ml

    Original price was: €59,00.Current price is: €47,20.
    fillerina šveitsi patent ✓ A new, lighter daily-use emulsion with an optimized concentration ✓ Helps smooth both eyelid and eye contour kortsukesi ja tesktuuri ✓ Aktiivsed molekulid synergistically improve skin structure, filling ebatasasusi ✓ Skin regains elasticity and tone, appearing gradually younger and fresher ✓ Helps deeply replenish all layers of the skin: 12 hyaluronic acids, 3 collagens, and 2 elastins ✓ Suitable for all skin types Fillerina Everyday Formula silky and delicate textured emulsion for the eye contour GRADE 4

    One of the key features of the Fillerina Everyday Formula product line is its adaptability to different skin types: whether your skin is dry, oily, or sensitive, the new emulsions are formulated to meet each individual's specific needs. It also works well as a makeup base. Its dermatological tolerance has been rigorously tested, ensuring that every skin type benefits from its powerful anti-aging effects without the risk of irritation. To achieve maximum results, the emulsion is enriched with patented transdermal technology and 3 enhancers.

    Fillerina 12HA kompleks: Šveitsi patent CH 705 713 Transdermaalne tehnoloogia: Šveitsi patent CH 711 466

  • -20%

    EELMÜÜK! Fillerina silmaümbruskreem-emulsioon Everyday Formula tase 5, 25ml

    Original price was: €67,00.Current price is: €53,60.
    fillerina šveitsi patent ✓ A new, lighter daily-use emulsion with an optimized concentration ✓ Helps smooth both eyelid and eye contour kortsukesi ja tesktuuri ✓ Aktiivsed molekulid synergistically improve skin structure, filling ebatasasusi ✓ Skin regains elasticity and tone, appearing gradually younger and fresher ✓ Helps deeply replenish all layers of the skin: 12 hyaluronic acids, 3 collagens, and 2 elastins ✓ Suitable for all skin types Fillerina Everyday Formula silky and delicate textured emulsion for the eye contour GRADE 5

    One of the key features of the Fillerina Everyday Formula product line is its adaptability to different skin types: whether your skin is dry, oily, or sensitive, the new emulsions are formulated to meet each individual's specific needs. It also works well as a makeup base. Its dermatological tolerance has been rigorously tested, ensuring that every skin type benefits from its powerful anti-aging effects without the risk of irritation. To achieve maximum results, the emulsion is enriched with patented transdermal technology and 3 enhancers.

    Fillerina 12HA kompleks: Šveitsi patent CH 705 713 Transdermaalne tehnoloogia: Šveitsi patent CH 711 466

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