  • -20%

    Collagenina 6 kollageeniga nahka tihendav ja pinguldav kaelakreem tase 3, 50ml

    Original price was: €107,00.Current price is: €85,60.
    Patent ✓ Aitab taastada kaelanaha struktuure - tugevdab, tihendab, tightens ✓ Ennetab õrna kaelanaha äravajumist, lõdvenemist ja õhenemist ✓ Parandab kaelanaha tone and elasticity ning annab sellele särava värskuse Rikkalik and pehme, sobib kasutamiseks koos massaažiga, et soodustada täitvat ja pinguldavat efekti

    Collagenina vananemisprotsesse aeglustav ja naha kollageenitaset taastav kaelakreem Sobib kasutamiseks eraldi igapäevase kollageenihooldusena või pärast 14-päevast Collagenina intensiivhooldust, aidates pidevalt parandada naha toonust ja elastsust.

    Lisaks 6 erineva molekulmassiga kollageenile sisaldab see komponente kollageeni pikaajaliseks nahasiseseks biosünteesiks and glükatsioonivastaseks toimeks (karnosiin).

    Transdermaalne tehnoloogia with 5 amplifiers aitab kõigil Collagenina aktiivmolekulidel tungida kiirelt sügavale dermiseni (ex vivo test), kus nad täidavad oma spetsiifilisi funktsioone. Kliiniliselt tõestatud dermakosmeetilised preparaadid.

    Collagenina products contain collagen of marine origin, which is known for its best bioavailability.

  • -20%

    Collagenina 6 collagens tightening and firming intensive skin treatment, grade 2

    Original price was: €198,00.Current price is: €158,40.
    Patent ✓ Helps intensively restore and maintain the skin's density and strength, reducing the signs of aging ✓ Remodelleeriv toime - tightens and lifts sunken areas of the skin, adds elasticity ✓ Helps improve skin texture, tone and tightens pores ✓ Supports long-term intradermal collagen biosynthesis ✓ Anti-glycation toime - aitab säilitada kollageenikiudude stabiilsust ja terviklikkust ✓ Improves the structural support and protective function, of the skin by supporting the extracellular matrix of the dermis At home, injection-free, without pain and recovery time, intensive treatment with 6 collagens, which fills and renews skin structures and tightens the facial skin in just 14 days, at the level of salon care.  Indicated for skin with moderate tissue laxity, thin skin; visible micro-wrinkles, noticeable micro-relief. Collagenina facial kit and creams contain rich active ingredients:
    • 6 collagens with different molecular weights: hydrolyzed collagen 2K Da, collagen amino acids 2.4K Da, hydrolyzed collagen 4K Da, hydrolyzed collagen 12K Da, soluble collagen 230K Da, soluble collagen 300K Da.
    • Collagen amino acids and a special biomimetic peptide to stimulate collagen synthesis: glycine, proline, hydroxyproline (these make up 57% of the total amino acids of type I collagen 57%), palmitoyl tripeptide-5.
    • Carnosine for anti-glycation action.

    Labo's patented Transdermal technology with 5 amplifiers helps all Collagenina active molecules quickly penetrate deep into the dermis (ex vivo test), where they perform their specific functions. Clinically proven dermocosmetic preparations.

    Collagenina products contain collagen of marine origin, which is known for its best bioavailability.

    Contains 14 doses of preparatory gel + 14 doses of the firming face mask + 14 doses of emulsion + 2 graduated dispensers + 1 spatula.
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