How to store and preserve an opened ampoule?
The product should be stored at a temperature of 5–25°C and protected from direct sunlight. An opened ampoule, covered with a cap, can be stored in the refrigerator for no longer than one week.
demo2021-10-14T10:38:42+03:00November 24th, 2020|cresina|
The product should be stored at a temperature of 5–25°C and protected from direct sunlight. An opened ampoule, covered with a cap, can be stored in the refrigerator for no longer than one week.
demo2021-10-14T10:38:58+03:00November 24th, 2020|cresina|
The product does not enter the bloodstream, has no systemic effects, and does not impact pregnancy or breastfeeding in any way, making it completely safe to use during this time. Additionally, CRESCINA products are highly effective in combating hair loss and thinning for women during this stage of life.
demo2021-10-14T10:39:16+03:00November 24th, 2020|cresina|
Preparaadil ei ole mingeid vastunäidustusi, see ei muuda nahka rasuseks. Kuna vahend tuleb kanda puhtale ja kuivale peanahale, peske enne kasutamist pea puhtaks ja kuivatage juuksed. Seborrhea ravimisel võib samal ajal kasutada ka CRESCINA tooteid, kuna neil on peanahale kasulik [...]
demo2021-10-14T10:40:48+03:00November 24th, 2020|cresina|
It depends on the issue. If the problem is related to hair loss and the resulting thinning, the full set of products should be used. However, if the issue is simply the lack of new hair growth, the hair growth stimulating product alone will suffice.
demo2021-10-14T10:41:01+03:00November 24th, 2020|cresina|
Preparaat on loodud kolme eriannusena (200, 500 ja 1300) kasutamiseks erinevate juuste hõrenemise staadiumite korral, et oleks tagatud juuste hõrenemise ja algava kiilaspäisuse teraapia efektiivsus. Need annused on kohaldatud meeste ja naiste kiilaspäisuse staadiumiteks: varajane, keskmine ja hiline (edasiarenenud). Kasutage [...]
demo2021-10-14T10:41:17+03:00November 24th, 2020|cresina|
Since women's hair is more prone to damage (high-temperature drying and styling, chemical treatments, use of fixing products, and coloring) and is therefore more sensitive, the product designed for women contains more protective and nurturing ingredients for hair.
demo2021-10-14T10:41:56+03:00November 24th, 2020|cresina|
The shortest usage period is no less than two months. 10 ampoules are intended for a two-week treatment course, 20 ampoules for one month, and 40 ampoules for one month.
demo2021-10-14T10:42:14+03:00November 24th, 2020|cresina|
CRESCINA kaubamärk esitleb kahte tootesarja: CRESCINA uute juuste kasvu soodustamiseks ja CRESCINA kompleksseks väljalangevate juuste korrektsiooniks ja kasvu soodustamiseks. CRESCINA uute juuste kasvu soodustamiseks.See vahend stimuleerib juuste loomulikku kasvu. Müügil karbis 10 või 20 ampulli kaupa (merevaiguvärvi) koos spetsotsikuga, et [...]
demo2021-10-14T10:42:25+03:00November 24th, 2020|cresina|
Iga merevaiguvärvi ampull (CRESCINA on uus juuste kasvu stimuleeriv tootesari) sisaldab 3,5 ml üheannuselist preparaati. Seda preparaati soovitatakse kasutada iga päev, 5 päeva järjest, pärast seda tuleks aga teha 2-päevane paus. CRESCINA tootesarja kasutamine väljalangevate juuste korrektsiooniks ja kompleksse kasvu [...]
demo2021-10-14T10:43:01+03:00November 24th, 2020|cresina|
Cysteine, lysine, and glycoprotein stimulate the physiological growth of hair by promoting the growth of follicles, which subsequently leads to the growth of the hair itself. The hair follicle stem cell activator ensures the continuation of follicle growth and its life cycle, creating ideal conditions for the growth of new hair.
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Biofarmaatsia OÜ
Reg no: 12787873
F. R. Kreutzwaldi 5-5, Tallinn
25 years
35 countries
8 patents