BIOFARMACIJA Skin Maxfiller dietary supplement for skin health support with high collagen and sodium hyaluronate content.
Helps protect the skin from aging and UV damage.
Supports skin hydration, toning, and rejuvenation.
COLLAGEN (Type I hydrolyzed collagen), SODIUM HYALURONATE.
GREEN TEA EXTRACT helps protect the skin from aging and UV damage.
Natural VITAMIN C contributes to normal collagen formation for skin, teeth, gums, blood vessels, bones, and cartilage. Helps protect cells from oxidative stress.
MAGNESIUM (natural, from the Dead Sea) is involved in cell division and contributes to normal protein synthesis.
ZINC helps maintain normal skin, hair, and nails, and protects cells from oxidative stress.
BROWN SEAWEED EXTRACT supports skin health, moisturizes, and tones. Supports skin cell renewal, elasticity, and structure. Participates in the body’s detoxification processes.
IODINE helps maintain normal skin.
Does not contain artificial flavorings, fragrances, sweeteners, colorants, stabilizers, preservatives, or solubility enhancers, giving the drink a neutral taste. The flavor can be adjusted with sugar or honey. Sediment and cloudiness may occur. The structure and color of the powder may change, but this does not affect the product’s positive qualities.
The package contains 28 servings.
USAGE: Mix the contents of one packet thoroughly in a glass (200-300 ml) of water, juice, or other non-alcoholic liquid, and consume after meals. For adults, take 1 packet per day. It is recommended to use continuously for up to 3 months.
1 package contains | Quantity per package | NRV** |
Sodium Hyaluronate Dried natural Acerola cherry extract, Vitamin C derived from it Green Tea extract Magnesium Brown seaweed extract, Iodine derived from it Zinc |
12 000 mg
200 mg 100 mg 15 mg 100 mg 57 mg 140 mg 75µg 20 mg |
– – 18,7 % – 15 % – 50% 200 % |
* Daily reference intake for adults.