  • -25%

    Amino acid complex BCAA and EAA SPORT & AMINO Biofarmacija, 14pcs

    Original price was: €24,00.Current price is: €18,00.
    NEW! Probably the only amino acid complex (BCAA and EAA) created based on the findings of experts from three organisations. The product contains 8 essential amino acids. With folic acid, which is necessary for the normal synthesis of amino acids. It is difficult for the body to assimilate amino acids without folic acid, which is why we have supplemented the formula with folic acid, which contributes to the normal synthesis of amino acids and helps reduce fatigue and tiredness. Vitamin C contributes to the normal functioning of the immune system during and after intense exercise. The beneficial effects are seen when 200 mg per day is consumed in addition to the recommended daily allowance of vitamin C. SPORT&AMINO w.h.o. contains up to 500 mg of vitamin C. What is BCAA?  BCAA (branched-chain amino acids) – branched-chain amino acids are made up of three essential amino acids: leucine, isoleucine, and valine. They are called "branched" due to their chemical structure. The BCAA content in muscles is higher than other amino acids. What is EAA? EAA (essential amino acids) – essential amino acids are a group of amino acids that the body does not produce itself. There are eight of them in total (leucine, isoleucine, valine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan). Folic acid: contributes to the normal synthesis of amino acids; helps reduce fatigue and tiredness; contributes to normal energy metabolism; contributes to the normal functioning of the immune system; participates in the cell division process; contributes to the normal metabolism of homocysteine (an amino acid that affects blood circulation); contributes to normal blood metabolism. CHEMICAL ADDITIVE-FREE PRODUCT! No artificial sweeteners, colours, flavourings, preservatives, stabilisers, thickeners or emulsifiers. The prefix "BIO" in the product and company name refers to the bioavailability and biochemical nature of the product and is not related to organic production. USAGE: Mix 1 packet (25 g) in a glass or shaker with 200-500 ml water. Wait a few minutes for better dissolution of the amino acids (the product does not contain chemical additives to improve dissolution). Use before, during or immediately after exercise.  
     Content Quantity NRV*
    L-leucine 1260 mg
    L-phenylalanine 1260 mg
    L-methionine 1170 mg
    L-lysine 1080 mg
    L-valine 900 mg
    L-isoleucine 900 mg
    L-threonine 630 mg
    Vitamin C 500 mg 525%
    L-tryptophan 315 mg
    Folic Acid (Vitamin B9) 100 mcg 50%
    *NRV – daily reference intake for adults.
  • Electrolyte solution with minerals and live lactic acid bacteria, helps the body during significant fluid loss. Special formula without chemical additives. Powder in packets (6 packs: 3+3). Suitable for use in case of diarrhoea, vomiting or other causes of water loss, as well as for athletes, people doing physical work. Magnesium contributes to electrolyte balance. Magnesium helps reduce fatigue and tiredness. Net weight: 33 g. Usage: Mix packet 1 and packet 2 in 500 ml water, mix thoroughly and drink by the glass. The solution can be stored in the refrigerator - ready for use within 48 hours. 2 - 6 years - drink up to 300 ml of the prepared solution daily. 6 - 12 years - drink up to 400 ml of the prepared solution every day. Adults 1 pack a day - 500 ml of prepared solution. Composition: Sodium citrate 2750 mg, pure Na content 646 mg Potassium citrate 750 mg Magnesium citrate 750 mg, pure Mg content 98 mg Lactobacillus acidophilus 5 mlrd CFU** Anhydrous glucose 6750 mg ** - Colony forming unit. Attention: Do not exceed the recommended daily intake. This dietary supplement does not replace a varied and balanced diet or a healthy lifestyle. Keep out of reach of children, in a dry place at a temperature of up to +30°C. Use with caution in case of hypersensitivity (allergy) to any of the ingredients.
  • Unikaalne, keemiliste lisaainetevaba toidulisand täiendamaks organismi oluliste mineraalainetega. Sobib ka taimetoitlastele, veganitele ja diabeetikutele. Toidulisand, mis annab organismile doosi olulisi mineraalaineid: kaltsiumi, kaaliumi, magneesiumi, tsinki. Rikastatud vitamiiniga D3. Toetab luude, hammaste, normaalse vererõhu, lihaste, närvisüsteemi, naha, juuste ja küünte tervist. Sobib väsimuse leevendamiseks ja immuunsüsteemi normaalseks talitluseks.
    • Calcium and magnesium help maintain healthy bones and teeth and support normal energy metabolism.
    • Magnesium helps reduce fatigue and exhaustion, contributes to normal psychological functions, muscle function, and the normal functioning of the nervous system.
    • Magnesium also helps maintain electrolyte balance.
    • Zinc supports the immune system and helps maintain the normal condition of bones, skin, hair, and nails. It supports protein synthesis and helps maintain normal vision.
    • Zinc contributes to normal fertility and reproduction, as well as maintaining testosterone levels in the blood.
    • Vitamin D3 supports the normal absorption of calcium and phosphorus and helps maintain healthy bones.
    • Vitamin D3 also contributes to the normal functioning of the immune system.
    • Potassium helps maintain normal blood pressure.
    Mineraalainete suurem vajadus võib muuhulgas tekkida stressist, haigusseisunditest (ka Covid järgselt), raseduse ja pikaajaliste ravimite kasutamise korral. KEEMILISTE LISAAINETEVABA TOODE! Toidulisand ei sisalda kunstlikke magus-, värv-, maitse-ja säilitusaineid, stabilisaatoreid, paksendajaid ega emulgaatoreid. Eesliide “BIO” toote ja ettevõtte nimes viitab bioloogilisele omastamisele ja biokeemilisele olemusele ega ole seotud ökoloogilise tootmisega.
    Content  Quantity  NRV*
    Calcium  520 MG 65%
    Potassium 300 MG 15%
    Magnesium 200 MG 53%
    Zinc 15 MG 150%
    Vitamin D3 5 μg (200 SV) 100%
    *NRV – daily reference intake for adults.
  • Patent Collagenina 1+1 eripakkumine ainult piiratud ajaks. Säästa koguni 108€! ✓ Helps to restore the structure of facial skin tissues - strengthens, tightens, firms ✓ Instantly evens and smooths, giving the face a fresh, elastic glow ✓ Prevents sagging, loosening, thinning and tightens pores ✓ Pleasantly lightweight texture, quickly absorbed

    Collagenina vananemisprotsesse aeglustav ja naha kollageenitaset taastav päevakreem ja öökreem. TASE 2 Sobivad kasutamiseks eraldi igapäevase kollageenihooldusena või pärast 14-päevast Collagenina intensiivhooldust, aidates pidevalt parandada naha toonust ja elastsust.

    Clinical-instrumental test*: FACIAL CONTOUR REMODELING after 28 days: -1.158 mm to -3.130 mm (day cream)* Clinical-instrumental test*: SKIN THICKNESS after 28 days: +15,4% to +27,7% (night cream)*

    In addition to 6 different molecular weights of collagen it contains components that support long-term collagen biosynthesis and provide anti-glycation effects (carnosine).

    Transdermic technology enhanced with 5 enhancers ensures all active Collagenina molecules penetrate deeply into the dermis (ex vivo test), where they perform their specific functions. Clinically proven dermocosmetic formulations.

    Collagenina products contain collagen of marine origin, which is known for its best bioavailability.

  • Patent Collagenina 1+1 eripakkumine ainult piiratud ajaks. Säästa koguni 115€! ✓ Helps to restore the structure of facial skin tissues - strengthens, tightens, firms ✓ Instantly evens and smooths, giving the face a fresh, elastic glow ✓ Prevents sagging, loosening, thinning and tightens pores ✓ Pleasantly lightweight texture, quickly absorbed

    Collagenina vananemisprotsesse aeglustav ja naha kollageenitaset taastav päevakreem ja öökreem. TASE 3 Sobivad kasutamiseks eraldi igapäevase kollageenihooldusena või pärast 14-päevast Collagenina intensiivhooldust, aidates pidevalt parandada naha toonust ja elastsust.

    Clinical-instrumental test*: FACIAL CONTOUR REMODELING after 28 days: -1.158 mm to -3.130 mm (day cream)* Clinical-instrumental test*: SKIN THICKNESS after 28 days: +15,4% to +27,7% (night cream)*

    In addition to 6 different molecular weights of collagen it contains components that support long-term collagen biosynthesis and provide anti-glycation effects (carnosine).

    Transdermic technology enhanced with 5 enhancers ensures all active Collagenina molecules penetrate deeply into the dermis (ex vivo test), where they perform their specific functions. Clinically proven dermocosmetic formulations.

    Collagenina products contain collagen of marine origin, which is known for its best bioavailability.

  • -26%

    Collagenina 6 collagens skin tightening and firming neck cream grade 2, 50ml

    Original price was: €88,00.Current price is: €64,99.
    Patent ✓ Helps to rebuild the structures of the neck - strengthens, tightens, firms ✓ Prevents sagging, loosening, and thinning of the delicate neck skin ✓ Improves neck skin tone and elasticity giving it a radiant freshness Rich and smooth, suitable for use with massage to promote plumping and firming effects

    Collagenina anti-aging and collagen-restoring neck cream Can be used as a standalone daily collagen care product or following the 14-day Collagenina intensive treatment, continuously improving skin tone and elasticity.

    In addition to 6 different molecular weights of collagen it contains components that support long-term collagen biosynthesis and provide anti-glycation effects (carnosine).

    Transdermic technology enhanced with 5 enhancers ensures all active Collagenina molecules penetrate deeply into the dermis (ex vivo test), where they perform their specific functions. Clinically proven dermocosmetic formulations.

    Collagenina products contain collagen of marine origin, which is known for its best bioavailability.

  • -23%

    Collagenina 6 collagens skin tightening and firming neck cream grade 3, 50ml

    Original price was: €89,00.Current price is: €68,59.
    Patent ✓ Helps to rebuild the structures of the neck - strengthens, tightens, firms ✓ Prevents sagging, loosening, and thinning of the delicate neck skin ✓ Improves neck skin tone and elasticity giving it a radiant freshness Rich and smooth, suitable for use with massage to promote plumping and firming effects

    Collagenina anti-aging and collagen-restoring neck cream Can be used as a standalone daily collagen care product or following the 14-day Collagenina intensive treatment, continuously improving skin tone and elasticity.

    In addition to 6 different molecular weights of collagen it contains components that support long-term collagen biosynthesis and provide anti-glycation effects (carnosine).

    Transdermic technology enhanced with 5 enhancers ensures all active Collagenina molecules penetrate deeply into the dermis (ex vivo test), where they perform their specific functions. Clinically proven dermocosmetic formulations.

    Collagenina products contain collagen of marine origin, which is known for its best bioavailability.

  • -22%

    Collagenina 6 collagens skin tightening and firming night cream grade 2, 50ml

    Original price was: €88,00.Current price is: €68,59.
    Patent ✓ Helps rejuvenate the structural integrity of facial skin – strengthenstightensfirms ✓ Instantly evens and smooths, giving the face a fresh, elastic glow ✓ Prevents sagging, loosening, thinning and tightens pores ✓ Velvety and rich thanks to highly softening base enriched with precious plant oils ✓ A pamperingrestorative night treatment that leaves your skin refreshed and radiantly youthful

    Collagenina Anti-Aging and Collagen-Restoring Night Cream Can be used as a standalone daily collagen care product or following the 14-day Collagenina intensive treatment, continuously improving skin tone and elasticity.

    Clinical-instrumental test*: SKIN THICKNESS after 28 days: +15,4% to +27,7% (night cream)*

    In addition to 6 different molecular weights of collagen it contains components that support long-term collagen biosynthesis and provide anti-glycation effects (carnosine).

    Labo's patented Transdermal technology enhanced with 5 enhancers helps all Collagenina active molecules quickly penetrate deep into the dermis (ex vivo test), where they perform their specific functions. Clinically proven dermocosmetic preparations.

    Collagenina products contain collagen of marine origin, which is known for its best bioavailability.

  • -25%

    Collagenina 6 collagens skin tightening and firming night cream grade 3, 50ml

    Original price was: €98,00.Current price is: €73,29.
    Patent ✓ Helps to revitalise the structure of facial skin tissues - strengthens, tightens, firms ✓ Instantly evens and smooths, giving the face a fresh, elastic glow ✓ Prevents sagging, loosening, thinning and tightens pores Velvety and rich thanks to highly softening base enriched with precious plant oils A pamperingrestorative night treatment that leaves your skin refreshed and radiantly youthful

    Collagenina Anti-Aging and Collagen-Restoring Night Cream Can be used as a standalone daily collagen care product or following the 14-day Collagenina intensive treatment, continuously improving skin tone and elasticity.

    Clinical-instrumental test*: SKIN THICKNESS after 28 days: +15,4% to +27,7% (night cream)*

    In addition to 6 different molecular weights of collagen it contains components that support long-term collagen biosynthesis and provide anti-glycation effects (carnosine).

    Labo's patented Transdermal technology enhanced with 5 enhancers helps all Collagenina active molecules quickly penetrate deep into the dermis (ex vivo test), where they perform their specific functions. Clinically proven dermocosmetic preparations.

    Collagenina products contain collagen of marine origin, which is known for its best bioavailability.

  • -25%

    Collagenina 6 collagens skin tightening and firming day cream grade 2, 50ml

    Original price was: €87,00.Current price is: €64,99.
    Patent ✓ Helps to restore the structure of facial skin tissues - strengthens, tightens, firms ✓ Instantly evens and smooths, giving the face a fresh, elastic glow ✓ Prevents sagging, loosening, thinning and tightens pores ✓ Pleasantly lightweight texture, quickly absorbed

    Collagenina Anti-Aging and Collagen-Restoring Day Cream Can be used as a standalone daily collagen care product or following the 14-day Collagenina intensive treatment, continuously improving skin tone and elasticity.

    Clinical-instrumental test*: FACIAL CONTOUR REMODELING after 28 days: -1.158 mm to -3.130 mm (day cream)*

    In addition to 6 different molecular weights of collagen it contains components that support long-term collagen biosynthesis and provide anti-glycation effects (carnosine).

    Transdermic technology enhanced with 5 enhancers ensures all active Collagenina molecules penetrate deeply into the dermis (ex vivo test), where they perform their specific functions. Clinically proven dermocosmetic formulations.

    Collagenina products contain collagen of marine origin, which is known for its best bioavailability.

  • Sold out

    Collagenina 6 collagens skin tightening and firming day cream grade 3, 50ml

    Original price was: €76,00.Current price is: €57,00.
    Patent ✓ Helps to restore the structure of facial skin tissues - strengthens, tightens, firms ✓ Instantly evens and smooths, giving the face a fresh, elastic glow ✓ Prevents sagging, loosening, thinning and tightens pores ✓ Pleasantly lightweight texture, quickly absorbed

    Collagenina Anti-Aging and Collagen-Restoring Day Cream Can be used as a standalone daily collagen care product or following the 14-day Collagenina intensive treatment, continuously improving skin tone and elasticity.

    Clinical-instrumental test*: FACIAL CONTOUR REMODELING after 28 days: -1.158 mm to -3.130 mm (day cream)*

    In addition to 6 different molecular weights of collagen it contains components that support long-term collagen biosynthesis and provide anti-glycation effects (carnosine).

    Transdermic technology enhanced with 5 enhancers ensures all active Collagenina molecules penetrate deeply into the dermis (ex vivo test), where they perform their specific functions. Clinically proven dermocosmetic formulations.

    Collagenina products contain collagen of marine origin, which is known for its best bioavailability.

  • -24%

    Collagenina Intensive Treatment with 6 Collagens, Tightening and Firming Grade 2

    Original price was: €158,00.Current price is: €119,99.
    Patent ✓ Helps intensively restore and maintain the skin's quality - density and strength, reducing the signs of aging ✓ Remodelling effect - - firms and lifts sunken areas of the skin, adds elasticity ✓ Helps improve skin texture, tone and tightens pores ✓ Supports long-term intradermal collagen biosynthesis Anti-glycation action - helps maintain the stability and integrity of collagen fibres ✓ Improves the structural support, protective function and health of the skin by supporting the extracellular matrix of the dermis At home, injection-free, without pain and recovery time, intensive treatment with 6 collagens, which fills and renews skin structures and tightens the facial skin in just 14 days, at the level of salon care.  Indicated for skin with moderate tissue sagging, thin skin; visible micro-wrinkles, noticeable micro-relief. Collagenina facial kit and creams contain rich active ingredients:
    • 6 collagens with different molecular weights: hydrolyzed collagen 2K Da, collagen amino acids 2.4K Da, hydrolyzed collagen 4K Da, hydrolyzed collagen 12K Da, soluble collagen 230K Da, soluble collagen 300K Da.
    • Collagen amino acids and a special biomimetic peptide to stimulate collagen synthesis: glycine, proline, hydroxyproline (these make up 57% of the total amino acids of type I collagen 57%), palmitoyl tripeptide-5.
    • Carnosine for anti-glycation action.

    Labo's patented Transdermal technology enhanced with 5 enhancers helps all Collagenina active molecules quickly penetrate deep into the dermis (ex vivo test), where they perform their specific functions. Clinically proven dermocosmetic preparations.

    Collagenina products contain collagen of marine origin, which is known for its best bioavailability.

    Contains 14 doses of preparatory gel + 14 doses of the firming face mask + 14 doses of emulsion + 2 graduated dispensers + 1 spatula.
  • -32%

    Crescina Crexy Lashes and Brows serum

    Original price was: €59,00.Current price is: €39,90.
    CREXY Lashes and Brows is a transparent gel that promotes the growth of eyelashes and eyebrows, enhancing their length and thickness. It comes with a dual applicator: a fine brush for applying the gel to the lash roots (at the upper edge of the eyelid) and a cylindrical brush for use along the entire length of eyebrow and lash hairs. Its lightweight texture does not weigh down lashes, spreads easily, and dries quickly. Effects of CREXY Lash and Brow Serum: - Promotes the growth of short and thin eyelashes - Promotes the growth of sparse eyebrows - The gel's structural properties make it an excellent base for make-up - it helps mascara to last longer and makes it easier to tint lashes. - Eyelash and eyebrow hairs grow longer, thicker and denser. - Restores the structure of the hair shaft, stimulates growth, making the hair stronger and more resistant to the stress of make-up and make-up removal. Product formula: CREXY contains three types of hyaluronic acid molecules with different molecular weights: 800 daltons, 200,000 daltons, and 2,000,000 daltons. Hyaluronic acid with a very low molecular weight of 800 daltons penetrates the hair shaft and fills it. Hyaluronic acids with higher molecular weights of 200,000 and 2,000,000 daltons restore the hair shaft structure, making lashes and brows smoother and more resistant to makeup and cleansing. Acetyl Tripeptide-3 Helps eyelashes and eyebrows to adhere to the skin and increases the hair follicle, making eyelashes and eyebrows longer and thicker. Similar to eyelashes/eyebrows and hair extensions, the product contains 7 growth factors, which form a plate-like complex (Swiss Patent No CH 713 030): sh-polypeptide-11, sh-polypeptide-1, sh-oligopeptide-1, sh-polypeptide-9, sh-polypeptide-3, sh-oligopeptide-2, sh-polypeptide-31. These growth promoters are particularly effective in stimulating the growth of eyelashes and eyebrows, thereby helping the hairs on the eyelashes and eyebrows to grow long and thick.  Transdermic technology Thanks to Labo's proprietary transdermal technology, the active ingredients of Crexy Lashes and Brows can penetrate the hair system not only through the lash and brow openings, but also through the dermal layers (ex vivo studies with Franz diffusion cells).Weight and 3 boosters: elements: pentylene glycol, decylene glycol, caprylyl glycol. Swiss Patent No CH 711 466. The composition contains 3 different molecular weights of hyaluroonic acid - 800 daltons, 200 000 daltons and 2 000 000 daltons. Hyaluroonic acid with its very low molecular weight of 800 daltons can penetrate and fill the hair shaft. With a high molecular weight of 200 000 and 2 000 000 daltons, hyaluronic acids restore the structure of the hair shaft, making eyelashes and eyebrows smoother and more resistant to make-up and especially to cleansing. Acetyl tripeptide-3 helps the eyelashes and eyebrows to adhere to the skin and increases the hair follicle, making eyelashes and eyebrows longer and thicker. Studies have shown the efficacy of 100%* in all subjects after 120 days of daily use. CREXY does not contain hormonal ingredients. Usage: The applicator is equipped with two reservoirs and two different brushes for precise distribution of the product. The fine brush is used to apply the gel to the upper edge of the eyelids (lash line). The roller brush is used to apply the gel to the lashes and brows. The gel preparation has a light texture that does not make the eye heavy, spreads easily and dries quickly. Apply to the eye contour area in the morning and in the evening after thorough cleansing. When using in the morning, wait a few minutes for the product to dry before applying eye make-up. Thanks to its structural properties, the product is also an excellent base coat for make-up: it improves the staying power of mascara and facilitates its application. After use, it is recommended to rinse the applicators with lukewarm water. For optimal results, a treatment course of 3–4 months is recommended. Warnings and precautions Dermocosmetic product for topical use. Ophthalmologically tested. Tested for nickel, chromium, and cobalt. For external use only. Do not ingest. Avoid direct contact with eyes and mucous membranes. Keep out of reach of children. Remove contact lenses before application. In case of irritation, rinse with lukewarm water and discontinue use.
  • -35%

    Crescina TRANSDERMIC HFSC 1300 Hair Ampoules for Men 10+10 3,5ml

    Original price was: €204,60.Current price is: €133,40.

    crescina patent

    Helps reduce and prevent hair loss ✓ Thins and strengthens hair ✓ Promotes natural hair growth ✓ Awakens dormant hair follicles where hair would normally not grow back ✓ 100% efficacy across all test participants. Crescina Transdermic complete hair treatment for restoring hair growth and stopping hair loss - 1300 for men. Crescina Transdermic Re-Growth HFSC is a dermatological cosmetic product for external use. These scalp ampoules promote natural physiological hair growth, help densify hair, and stop hair loss. The product contains the Re-Growth Complex (cysteine, lysine, glycoprotein), the HFSC Complex (stem cell activator: hydrolyzed rice protein, corosolic acid), and the new growth-promoting Booster Complex (methionine, glycine, copper tripeptide-1). This is enhanced by Labo’s transdermal technology, enriched with three enhancers (pentylene glycol, decylene glycol, caprylyl glycol) that improve the penetration of active ingredients into the scalp. Special formula for men. The 1300 concentration is designed for use in the advanced stages of hair thinning and extensive hair loss. The Crescina Re-Growth formula is protected by 8 Swiss and European patents. Important! Recommended for use when hair loss and thinning are due to physiological, non-pathological reasons. Not effective on completely destroyed follicles.
  • -19%

    Crescina TRANSDERMIC HFSC 1300 Hair Ampoules for Men 20+20 3,5ml

    Original price was: €283,00.Current price is: €229,00.

    crescina patent

    Helps reduce and prevent hair loss ✓ Restores true hair density and strength ✓ Awakens dormant hair follicles where hair would not normally grow back ✓ 100% efficacy across all test participants*.

    Crescina Transdermic Concentrates for perfect hair care to restore hair growth and stop hair loss - 2 months wholesale for MEN. The scalp-applied ampoules provide intensive and deep support to hair follicle activity to restore and stimulate natural hair growth and prevent hair thinning. They effectively help to stop hair loss and aging processes while also protecting the scalp and keeping it in good health.

    The secret to your thick and vibrant hair lies in a special formula developed through over 30 years of scientific research. It contains the Re-Growth Complex (cysteine, lysine, glycoprotein), HFSC Complex (stem cell activator: hydrolyzed rice protein, corosolic acid), and the new Booster Complex (methionine, glycine, copper tripeptide-1). This is enhanced by Labo’s patented transdermic technology, enriched with three enhancers (pentylene glycol, decylene glycol, capryloyl glycol), which improve the penetration of active ingredients through the thick layers of the scalp.

    The Crescina Re-Growth formula is protected by 8 Swiss and European patents. Recommended by renowned trichologists and pharmacists.

    Important! Recommended for use when hair loss and thinning are due to physiological, non-pathological reasons. Not effective on completely destroyed follicles.

  • -25%

    Crescina TRANSDERMIC HFSC 1300 Hair Ampoules for Men 20 3,5ml

    Original price was: €201,20.Current price is: €149,99.
    crescina patent ✓ Thins and strengthens hair ✓ Promotes natural hair growth ✓ Awakens dormant hair follicles where hair would normally not grow back ✓ 100% efficacy across all test participants. Crescina Transdermic hair ampoules for hair growth restoration – 1300 for men - 1300 for men. Crescina Transdermic Re-Growth HFSC is a cosmetic product for topical use that physiologically promotes hair growth and helps to densify hair. It contains a patented blend of active ingredients, including Crescina Re-Growth (cysteine, lysine, glycoprotein) and Stem-Engine (stem cell stimulator), encapsulated in special carriers that enable their gradual absorption into the scalp. The formula is enhanced with Labo's transdermal technology and enriched with three enhancers that facilitate the penetration of active ingredients into the scalp. Proven full effectiveness in test participants. The product with a 1300 concentration is suitable for use in the advanced stages of hair thinning. Special formula for men. Protected by Swiss and European patents. Important! Recommended for use when hair loss and thinning are due to physiological, non-pathological reasons. Not effective on completely destroyed follicles.
  • -28%

    Crescina TRANSDERMIC HFSC 1300 Hair Ampoules for Women 10+10 3,5ml

    Original price was: €204,60.Current price is: €148,20.

    crescina patent

    Helps reduce and prevent hair loss ✓ Restores the true thickness and strength of hair ✓ Activates dormant hair follicles that would no longer grow hair under normal conditions ✓ 100% effectiveness among all test participants* Crescina Transdermic concentrates for complete hair care to restore hair growth and stop hair loss. Scalp-applied ampoules intensively and deeply support hair follicle vitality to restore and stimulate natural hair growth and prevent hair thinning. Help to effectively stop hair loss and ageing processes. In addition, they help protect the scalp and keep it in a healthy condition. The secret of your beautifully vibrant hair lies in a special formula, the result of over 30 years of research, which contains the following ingredients Re-Growth Complex (cysteine, lysine, glycoprotein), HFSC Complex (stem cell activator: hydrolyzed rice protein, corosolic acid), and the new Booster Complex (methionine, glycine, copper tripeptide-1). This is enhanced by Labo’s patented transdermic technology, enriched with three enhancers (pentylene glycol, decylene glycol, caprylyl glycol) and which improves the penetration of the active ingredients through the thick layers of the scalp. Crescina Re-Growth formula is protected by 8 Swiss and European patents. Recommended by renowned trichologists and pharmacists in Estonia. Important! Recommended for use when hair loss and thinning are due to physiological, non-pathological reasons. Not effective on completely destroyed follicles.
  • -19%

    Crescina TRANSDERMIC HFSC 1300 Hair Ampoules for Women 20+20 3,5ml

    Original price was: €283,00.Current price is: €229,00.

    crescina patent

    Helps reduce and prevent hair loss ✓ Restores true hair density and strength ✓ Awakens dormant hair follicles where hair would not normally grow back ✓ 100% efficacy across all test participants*.

    Crescina Transdermic Perfect Hair Care Concentrates to restore hair growth and stop hair loss - 2 months wholesale. The scalp-applied ampoules provide intensive and deep support to hair follicle activity to restore and stimulate natural hair growth and prevent hair thinning. They effectively help to stop hair loss and aging processes while also protecting the scalp and keeping it in good health.

    The secret to your beautifully vibrant hair lies in a special formula developed through over 30 years of scientific research. It contains the Re-Growth Complex (cysteine, lysine, glycoprotein), HFSC Complex (stem cell activator: hydrolyzed rice protein, corosolic acid), and the new Booster Complex (methionine, glycine, copper tripeptide-1). This is enhanced by Labo’s patented transdermic technology, enriched with three enhancers (pentylene glycol, decylene glycol, capryloyl glycol), which improve the penetration of active ingredients through the thick layers of the scalp.

    The Crescina Re-Growth formula is protected by 8 Swiss and European patents. Recommended by renowned trichologists and pharmacists.

    Important! Recommended for use when hair loss and thinning are due to physiological, non-pathological reasons. Not effective on completely destroyed follicles.

  • -25%

    Crescina TRANSDERMIC HFSC 1300 Hair Ampoules for Women 20 3,5ml

    Original price was: €201,20.Current price is: €149,99.
    crescina patent ✓ Densifies and strengthens hair ✓ Promotes natural hair growth ✓ Awakens dormant hair follicles where hair would normally not grow back ✓ 100% effectiveness among all test participants* Crescina Transdermic hair ampoules for hair growth restoration – 1300 for women. Crescina Transdermic Re-Growth HFSC is a cosmetic product for topical use that physiologically promotes hair growth and helps to densify hair. It contains a patented blend of active ingredients, including Crescina Re-Growth (cysteine, lysine, glycoprotein) and Stem-Engine (stem cell stimulator), which are encapsulated in special carriers that enable their gradual absorption into the scalp. The product's formula is enhanced with Labo’s transdermal technology and enriched with three enhancers that facilitate the penetration of active ingredients into the scalp. Proven full effectiveness in test participants. The strongest product concentration. Special formula for women. Protected by Swiss and European patents. Important! Recommended for use when hair loss and thinning are due to physiological, non-pathological reasons. Not effective on completely destroyed follicles.
  • -24%

    Crescina TRANSDERMIC HFSC 1300 men 20+10 FREE 3,5ml

    Original price was: €209,95.Current price is: €159,00.

    crescina patent

    Introducing the new exclusive Crescina Transdermic Gift Set, featuring 30 powerful Re-Growth hair ampoules to give your hair renewed strength and density.

    • Crescina Re-Growth 1300 hairampoules:
      • Our award-winning hair care product, designed to restore, accelerate, and strengthen hair growth.
      • Helps stop hair aging processes and thinning.
      • Enriched with patented active complexes and technologies that penetrate deep into the scalp to stimulate hair follicles.
    • Bonus Gift: 10 Extra Re-Growth Ampoules for Free!:
      • A longer course = thicker, longer, and more voluminous hair.
      • Each ampoule, with its premium formula helps strengthen hair bulbs and strands, nourish the roots, and improve scalp circulation.
      • Clinically proven results - Your hair gets everything it needs to. restore and maintain vitality, density, and beauty.

    Take the opportunity to experience professional hair care at an affordable price today, as these gift sets are available in limited quantities..

  • -24%

    Crescina TRANSDERMIC HFSC 1300 women 20+10 FREE 3,5ml

    Original price was: €209,95.Current price is: €159,00.

    crescina patent

    Introducing the new exclusive Crescina Transdermic Gift Set, featuring 30 powerful Re-Growth hair ampoules to give your hair renewed strength and density.

    • Crescina Re-Growth 1300 hair ampoules:
      • Our award-winning hair care product, designed to restore, accelerate, and strengthen hair growth.
      • Enriched with patented active complexes and technologies that penetrate deep into the scalp to stimulate hair follicles.
    • Bonus Gift: 10 Extra Re-Growth Ampoules for Free!:
      • A longer course = thicker, longer, and more voluminous hair.
      • Each ampoule, with its premium formula helps strengthen hair bulbs and strands, nourish the roots, and improve scalp circulation.
      • Clinically proven results - Your hair gets everything it needs to. restore and maintain vitality, density, and beauty.

    Take the opportunity to experience professional hair care at an affordable price today, as these gift sets are available in limited quantities..

  • -35%

    Crescina TRANSDERMIC HFSC 200 Hair Ampoules for Women 10+10 3,5ml

    Original price was: €98,95.Current price is: €64,45.

    crescina patent

    Helps reduce and prevent hair loss ✓ Thins and strengthens hair ✓ Promotes natural hair growth ✓ Awakens dormant hair follicles where hair would normally not grow back ✓ 100% efficacy across all test participants. Crescina Transdermic complete hair treatment for restoring hair growth and stopping hair loss – 200 for women. A dermatological cosmetic product for external use. Scalp ampoules that promote physiological hair growth, help thicken hair, and stop hair loss. The ampoules contain the Re-Growth Complex (cysteine, lysine, glycoprotein), the HFSC Complex (stem cell activator: hydrolyzed rice protein, corosolic acid), and the new growth-promoting Booster Complex (methionine, glycine, copper tripeptide-1). This is enhanced with Labo's transdermal technology, enriched with three enhancers (pentylene glycol, decylene glycol, caprylyl glycol) to improve the penetration of active ingredients into the scalp. Special formula for women. The 200 concentration is suitable for cases of hair thinning and mild hair loss. The Crescina Re-Growth formula is protected by 8 Swiss and European patents. Important! Recommended for use when hair loss and thinning are due to physiological, non-pathological reasons. Not effective on completely destroyed follicles.
  • -32%

    Crescina TRANSDERMIC HFSC 200 Hair Ampoules for Women 20 3,5ml

    Original price was: €90,95.Current price is: €61,58.
    crescina patent ✓ Thins and strengthens hair ✓ Promotes natural hair growth ✓ Awakens dormant hair follicles where hair would normally not grow back ✓ 100% efficacy across all test participants. Crescina Transdermic hair ampoules for hair growth restoration – 200 for women. Crescina Transdermic Re-Growth HFSC is a cosmetic product for topical use that physiologically promotes hair growth and helps to densify hair. It contains a patented blend of active ingredients, including Crescina Re-Growth (cysteine, lysine, glycoprotein) and Stem-Engine (stem cell stimulator), which are encapsulated in special carriers that enable their gradual absorption into the scalp. The product's formula is enhanced with Labo’s transdermal technology and enriched with three enhancers that facilitate the penetration of active ingredients into the scalp. Proven full effectiveness in test participants. The product with a 200 concentration is suitable for use in the early stages of hair thinning. Special formula for women. Protected by Swiss and European patents. Important! Recommended for use when hair loss and thinning are due to physiological, non-pathological reasons. Not effective on completely destroyed follicles.
  • -31%

    Crescina TRANSDERMIC HFSC 500 Hair Ampoules for Men 10+10 3,5ml

    Original price was: €153,60.Current price is: €106,10.

    crescina patent

    Helps reduce and prevent hair loss ✓ Thins and strengthens hair ✓ Promotes natural hair growth ✓ Awakens dormant hair follicles where hair would normally not grow back ✓ 100% efficacy across all test participants. Crescina Transdermic complete hair treatment for restoring hair growth and stopping hair loss - 500 for men. A dermatological cosmetic product for external use. These scalp ampoules promote natural, physiological hair growth, help densify hair, and stop hair loss. The product contains the Re-Growth Complex (cysteine, lysine, glycoprotein), the HFSC Complex (stem cell activator: hydrolyzed rice protein, corosolic acid), and the new growth-promoting Booster Complex (methionine, glycine, copper tripeptide-1). This is enhanced by Labo's transdermal technology, enriched with three enhancers (pentylene glycol, decylene glycol, caprylyl glycol) that improve the penetration of active ingredients into the scalp. Special formula for men. The 500 concentration is designed for use in the intermediate stages of hair thinning and moderate hair loss. The Crescina Re-Growth formula is protected by 8 Swiss and European patents. Important! Recommended for use when hair loss and thinning are due to physiological, non-pathological reasons. Not effective on completely destroyed follicles.
  • -26%

    Crescina TRANSDERMIC HFSC 500 Hair Ampoules for Men 20+20 3,5ml

    Original price was: €221,00.Current price is: €163,50.

    crescina patent

    Helps reduce and prevent hair loss ✓ Restores true hair density and strength ✓ Awakens dormant hair follicles where hair would not normally grow back ✓ 100% efficacy across all test participants*. Crescina Transdermic Concentrates for perfect hair care to restore hair growth and stop hair loss - 2 months wholesale for MEN. Scalp-applied ampoules intensively and deeply support hair follicle vitality to restore and stimulate natural hair growth and prevent hair thinning. Help to effectively stop hair loss and ageing processes. In addition, they help protect the scalp and keep it in a healthy condition. The secret to your thick, vibrant hair lies in a special formulation, the result of over 30 years of research, which includes Re-Growth Complex (cysteine, lysine, glycoprotein), HFSC Complex (stem cell activator: hydrolyzed rice protein, corosolic acid), and the new Booster Complex (methionine, glycine, copper tripeptide-1). This is enhanced by Labo’s patented transdermic technology, enriched with three enhancers (pentylene glycol, decylene glycol, caprylyl glycol) and which improves the penetration of the active ingredients through the thick layers of the scalp. Crescina Re-Growth formula is protected by 8 Swiss and European patents. Recommended by renowned trichologists and pharmacists. Important! Recommended for use when hair loss and thinning are due to physiological, non-pathological reasons. Not effective on completely destroyed follicles.
  • -25%

    Crescina TRANSDERMIC HFSC 500 Hair Ampoules for Men 20 3,5ml

    Original price was: €159,20.Current price is: €119,00.
    crescina patent ✓ Thins and strengthens hair ✓ Promotes natural hair growth ✓ Awakens dormant hair follicles where hair would normally not grow back ✓ 100% efficacy across all test participants. Crescina Transdermic hair ampoules for hair growth restoration – 1300 for men - 500 for menCrescina Transdermic Re-Growth HFSC is a cosmetic product for topical use that physiologically promotes hair growth and helps to densify hair. It contains a patented blend of active ingredients, including Crescina Re-Growth (cysteine, lysine, glycoprotein) and Stem-Engine (stem cell stimulator), which are encapsulated in special carriers that enable their gradual absorption into the scalp. The product's formula is enhanced with Labo’s transdermal technology and enriched with three enhancers that facilitate the penetration of active ingredients into the scalp. Proven full effectiveness in test participants. The 500 concentration is suitable for use in the middle stages of hair thinning. Special formula for men. Protected by Swiss and European patents. Important! Recommended for use when hair loss and thinning are due to physiological, non-pathological reasons. Not effective on completely destroyed follicles.
  • -31%

    Crescina TRANSDERMIC HFSC 500 Hair Ampoules for Women 10+10 3,5ml

    Original price was: €153,60.Current price is: €106,10.

    crescina patent

    Helps reduce and prevent hair loss ✓ Restores the true thickness and strength of hair ✓ Activates dormant hair follicles that would no longer grow hair under normal conditions ✓ 100% effectiveness among all test participants* Crescina Transdermic concentrates for complete hair care to restore hair growth and stop hair loss. Scalp-applied ampoules intensively and deeply support hair follicle vitality to restore and stimulate natural hair growth and prevent hair thinning. Help to effectively stop hair loss and ageing processes. In addition, they help protect the scalp and keep it in a healthy condition. The secret of your beautifully vibrant hair lies in a special formula, the result of over 30 years of research, which contains the following ingredients Re-Growth Complex (cysteine, lysine, glycoprotein), HFSC Complex (stem cell activator: hydrolyzed rice protein, corosolic acid), and the new Booster Complex (methionine, glycine, copper tripeptide-1). This is enhanced by Labo’s patented transdermic technology, enriched with three enhancers (pentylene glycol, decylene glycol, caprylyl glycol) and which improves the penetration of the active ingredients through the thick layers of the scalp. Crescina Re-Growth formula is protected by 8 Swiss and European patents. Recommended by renowned trichologists and pharmacists in Estonia. Important! Recommended for use when hair loss and thinning are due to physiological, non-pathological reasons. Not effective on completely destroyed follicles.
  • -26%

    Crescina TRANSDERMIC HFSC 500 Hair Ampoules for Women 20+20 3,5ml

    Original price was: €221,00.Current price is: €163,50.

    crescina patent

    Helps reduce and prevent hair loss ✓ Restores true hair density and strength ✓ Awakens dormant hair follicles where hair would not normally grow back ✓ 100% efficacy across all test participants*. Crescina Transdermic Perfect Hair Care Concentrates to restore hair growth and stop hair loss - 2 months wholesale. Scalp-applied ampoules intensively and deeply support hair follicle vitality to restore and stimulate natural hair growth and prevent hair thinning. Help to effectively stop hair loss and ageing processes. In addition, they help protect the scalp and keep it in a healthy condition. The secret of your beautifully vibrant hair lies in a special formula, the result of over 30 years of research, which contains the following ingredients Re-Growth Complex (cysteine, lysine, glycoprotein), HFSC Complex (stem cell activator: hydrolyzed rice protein, corosolic acid), and the new Booster Complex (methionine, glycine, copper tripeptide-1). This is enhanced by Labo’s patented transdermic technology, enriched with three enhancers (pentylene glycol, decylene glycol, caprylyl glycol) and which improves the penetration of the active ingredients through the thick layers of the scalp. Crescina Re-Growth formula is protected by 8 Swiss and European patents. Recommended by renowned trichologists and pharmacists. Important! Recommended for use when hair loss and thinning are due to physiological, non-pathological reasons. Not effective on completely destroyed follicles.
  • -25%

    Crescina TRANSDERMIC HFSC 500 Hair Ampoules for Women 20 3,5ml

    Original price was: €159,20.Current price is: €119,00.
    crescina patent ✓ Densifies and strengthens hair ✓ Promotes natural hair growth ✓ Awakens dormant hair follicles where hair would normally not grow back ✓ 100% effectiveness among all test participants* Crescina Transdermic hair ampoules for hair growth restoration – 500 for women. Crescina Transdermic Re-Growth HFSC is a cosmetic product for topical use that physiologically promotes hair growth and helps to densify hair. It contains a patented blend of active ingredients, including Crescina Re-Growth (cysteine, lysine, glycoprotein) and Stem-Engine (stem cell stimulator), which are encapsulated in special carriers that enable their gradual absorption into the scalp. The product's formula is enhanced with Labo’s transdermal technology and enriched with three enhancers that facilitate the penetration of active ingredients into the scalp. Proven full effectiveness in test participants. The 500 concentration is suitable for use in the middle stages of hair thinning. Special formula for women. Protected by Swiss and European patents. Important! Recommended for use when hair loss and thinning are due to physiological, non-pathological reasons. Not effective on completely destroyed follicles.
  • -22%

    Crescina TRANSDERMIC HFSC 500 men 20+10 FREE 3,5ml

    Original price was: €163,95.Current price is: €127,88.

    crescina patent

    Introducing the new exclusive Crescina Transdermic Gift Set, featuring 30 powerful Re-Growth hair ampoules to give your hair renewed strength and density.

    • Crescina Re-Growth 500 hairampoules:
      • Our award-winning hair care product, designed to restore, accelerate, and strengthen hair growth.
      • Enriched with patented active complexes and technologies that penetrate deep into the scalp to stimulate hair follicles.
    • Bonus Gift: 10 Extra Re-Growth Ampoules for Free!:
      • A longer course = thicker, longer, and more voluminous hair.
      • Each ampoule, with its premium formula helps strengthen hair bulbs and strands, nourish the roots, and improve scalp circulation.
      • Clinically proven results - Your hair gets everything it needs to. restore and maintain vitality, density, and beauty.

    Take the opportunity to experience professional hair care at an affordable price today, as these gift sets are available in limited quantities..

  • -22%

    Crescina TRANSDERMIC HFSC 500 women 20+10 FREE 3,5ml

    Original price was: €163,95.Current price is: €127,88.

    crescina patent

    Introducing the new exclusive Crescina Transdermic Gift Set, featuring 30 powerful Re-Growth hair ampoules to give your hair renewed strength and density.

    • Crescina Re-Growth 500 Ampoules::
      • Our award-winning hair care product, designed to restore, accelerate, and strengthen hair growth.
      • Enriched with patented active complexes and technologies that penetrate deep into the scalp to stimulate hair follicles.
    • Bonus Gift: 10 Extra Re-Growth Ampoules for Free!:
      • A longer course = thicker, longer, and more voluminous hair.
      • Each ampoule, with its premium formula helps strengthen hair bulbs and strands, nourish the roots, and improve scalp circulation.
      • Clinically proven results - Your hair gets everything it needs to. restore and maintain vitality, density, and beauty.

    Take the opportunity to experience professional hair care at an affordable price today, as these gift sets are available in limited quantities..

  • -38%

    CRESCINA TRANSDERMIC Shampoo HFSC for Men 200 ml

    Original price was: €27,00.Current price is: €16,78.

    crescina patent

    ✓ Helps reduce and prevent hair thinning and hair loss ✓ Gently exfoliating action - effectively cleanses the scalp of dirt, excess oil, dandruff and dirt. ✓ Prepares the scalp for Crescina hair ampoules and enhances their effect ✓ Enriched with 3 hair stimulants ✓ Improves scalp health and condition ✓ Suitable for sensitive scalps, with a neutral fragrance
    The Crescina Transdermic Shampoo for Men is specifically designed to address and prevent hair thinning and hair loss. It deeply cleanses the scalp and is the ideal complement to Crescina Transdermic hair ampoules. Cysteine, lysine, glycoprotein, and Stem-Engine support the action of the active ingredients in the ampoules. Palmitoyl myristyl serinate adds density, energy, and shine to the hair. Suitable for daily use.
    Apply to wet hair, massage until a gentle foam forms, wait 2-3 minutes, and rinse thoroughly. For dry scalps, use 1-2 times a week; for oily scalps, use 2-3 times a week. In case of contact with eyes, rinse with plenty of water. For external use only. Not suitable for children under 3 years of age.
  • -44%

    CRESCINA TRANSDERMIC Shampoo HFSC for Women 200 ml

    Original price was: €27,00.Current price is: €15,17.

    crescina patent

    ✓ Helps reduce and prevent hair thinning and hair loss ✓ Gently exfoliating action - effectively cleanses the scalp of dirt, excess oil, dandruff and dirt. ✓ Prepares the scalp for Crescina hair ampoules and enhances their effect ✓ Enriched with 3 hair stimulants ✓ Improves scalp health and condition ✓ Suitable for sensitive scalps, with a neutral fragrance The Crescina Transdermic Shampoo for Women is specifically designed to address and prevent hair thinning and hair loss. It deeply cleanses the scalp and is the perfect complement to Crescina Transdermic hair ampoules. Cysteine, lysine, glycoprotein, and Stem-Engine support the action of the active ingredients in the ampoules. Palmitoyl myristyl serinate adds density, energy, and shine to the hair. Suitable for daily use. Apply to wet hair, massage until a gentle foam forms, wait 2-3 minutes, and rinse thoroughly. For dry scalps, use 1-2 times a week; for oily scalps, use 2-3 times a week. In case of contact with eyes, rinse with plenty of water. For external use only. Not suitable for children under 3 years of age.
  • -20%

    For energy, sports, electrolytes, and minerals oral gel SPORTUS Hipocrat, 14 pcs

    Original price was: €13,50.Current price is: €10,80.
    With the fast pace of life, general well-being should be a given. Replenish your body with essential electrolytes, minerals and vitamin C. For periods of exercise, hard work or partying. Pack of 14. - Magnesium: electrolyte balance, normal muscle function, energy metabolism, reducing fatigue and tiredness, nervous system, psychological functions, protein synthesis. - Zinc: protein synthesis, macronutrient and fatty acid metabolism, bones, hair, nails, skin, normal vision, testosterone levels, immune system. - Vitamin C: energy metabolism, reducing fatigue and tiredness, nervous system, psychological functions, immune system. Convenient to use - pour the solution directly into the mouth. Bioactive ingredients. Food supplement with sweetener. Usage: For adults, 1 pack per day as needed. Pour the solution directly into your mouth.
  • -43%

    Special Price Fillerina 12HA Firming Filler Gel Set Grade 3

    Original price was: €167,90.Current price is: €95,62.
    The new Fillerina 12HA special price gift set combines a perfect solution designed to highlight the beauty of your expressive eyes and voluminous lips. Restore a youthful glow to your eyes - lift drooping eyelids and fill in eye circles The delicate and drier skin around the eyes requires intensive care. Fillerina 12HA for eyes and eyelids offers a highly effective solution for gentle yet intensive support and lifting, with immediately noticeable effects that tighten and fill the skin around the eyes.
    Fills under-eye hollows, crow’s feet, and lifts eyelids. Tightens the skin around the eyes. Helps reduce the delicate skin's micro-contractions. Prevents new wrinkles and keeps the skin youthful. Improves the underlying skin structure.
    Smile with full joy and confidence, as Fillerina 12HA eye and eyelid filler gel helps reduce the appearance of wrinkles around the eyes. The formula includes acetyl hexapeptide-30, which reduces skin micro-contractions that accentuate expression lines (tested active ingredient).
    Add sensuality to your smile with fuller lips and smoothed skin around the mouth For plumped and contoured lips and a smoother mouth area, Fillerina 12HA Lips & Mouth Filler Gelfeatures a high concentration of 12 different hyaluronic acids, 3 collagen, and 2 elastin molecules that: Provide a plumped and lifted effect for lips and the mouth area. Smooth out wrinkles around the mouth and give a tightened appearance to the lip contour. Deliver intense hydration to the lips, making them soft and supple.
    The formula also includes a specific ingredient proven to be highly effective in stimulating collagen synthesis at the skin level, helping to reduce visible signs of aging around the lips in both the short and long term (active ingredient test validated). The applicator tip for Fillerina Lips & Mouth Filler Gel is equipped with three small stainless steel rollers that provide a soothing, cooling massage while stimulating microcirculation.
    *With this exclusive gift set, you can now get the Fillerina 12HA Eyes & Eyelids and Fillerina 12HA Lips & Mouth products at a special price to experience ultimate and graceful beauty. Act fast, as these special sets are available in limited quantities only! fillerina tasemed 3 4 5
  • -42%

    Special Price Fillerina 12HA Firming Filler Gel Set Grade 4

    Original price was: €177,85.Current price is: €103,28.
    The new Fillerina 12HA special price gift set combines a perfect solution designed to highlight the beauty of your expressive eyes and voluminous lips. Restore a youthful glow to your eyes - lift drooping eyelids and fill in eye circles The delicate and drier skin around the eyes requires intensive care. Fillerina 12HA for eyes and eyelids offers a highly effective solution for gentle yet intensive support and lifting, with immediately noticeable effects that tighten and fill the skin around the eyes.
    Fills under-eye hollows, crow’s feet, and lifts eyelids. Tightens the skin around the eyes. Helps reduce the delicate skin's micro-contractions. Prevents new wrinkles and keeps the skin youthful. Improves the underlying skin structure.
    Smile with full joy and confidence, as Fillerina 12HA eye and eyelid filler gel helps reduce the appearance of wrinkles around the eyes. The formula includes acetyl hexapeptide-30, which reduces skin micro-contractions that accentuate expression lines (tested active ingredient).
    Add sensuality to your smile with fuller lips and smoothed skin around the mouth For plumped and contoured lips and a smoother mouth area, Fillerina 12HA Lips & Mouth Filler Gelfeatures a high concentration of 12 different hyaluronic acids, 3 collagen, and 2 elastin molecules that: Provide a plumped and lifted effect for lips and the mouth area. Smooth out wrinkles around the mouth and give a tightened appearance to the lip contour. Deliver intense hydration to the lips, making them soft and supple.
    The formula also includes a specific ingredient proven to be highly effective in stimulating collagen synthesis at the skin level, helping to reduce visible signs of aging around the lips in both the short and long term (active ingredient test validated). The applicator tip for Fillerina Lips & Mouth Filler Gel is equipped with three small stainless steel rollers that provide a soothing, cooling massage while stimulating microcirculation.
    *With this exclusive gift set, you can now get the Fillerina 12HA Eyes & Eyelids and Fillerina 12HA Lips & Mouth products at a special price to experience ultimate and graceful beauty. Act fast, as these special sets are available in limited quantities only! fillerina tasemed 3 4 5
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