
Is the preparation safe?

2021-10-14T10:37:52+03:00November 24th, 2020||

Preparaat CRESCINA on täiesti ohutu, hüpoallergiline ega oma mingit kõrvaltoimet. Need vahendid ei sisalda värvaineid, hormoone ega muid kahjulikke bioloogilisi aineid. Tähtis: vahendi kasutamise käigus võib nahk muutuda punakaks ja hakata veidi sügelema, kuna vahend sisaldab piirituse lahust. See tunne [...]

At what age can Crescina products be used?

2021-10-14T10:38:05+03:00November 24th, 2020||

The problem of hair loss can also affect young men who, for various reasons (e.g., hormonal factors), begin balding very early, at 18–20 years old. In such cases, CRESCINA products can be used; however, it is also advisable to consult a doctor regarding issues related to early baldness.

Can the products be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding?

2021-10-14T10:38:58+03:00November 24th, 2020||

The product does not enter the bloodstream, has no systemic effects, and does not impact pregnancy or breastfeeding in any way, making it completely safe to use during this time. Additionally, CRESCINA products are highly effective in combating hair loss and thinning for women during this stage of life.

What do 200, 500, 1300 mean?

2021-10-14T10:41:01+03:00November 24th, 2020||

Preparaat on loodud kolme eriannusena (200, 500 ja 1300) kasutamiseks erinevate juuste hõrenemise staadiumite korral, et oleks tagatud juuste hõrenemise ja algava kiilaspäisuse teraapia efektiivsus. Need annused on kohaldatud meeste ja naiste kiilaspäisuse staadiumiteks: varajane, keskmine ja hiline (edasiarenenud). Kasutage [...]

How do men's and women's products differ?

2021-10-14T10:41:17+03:00November 24th, 2020||

Since women's hair is more prone to damage (high-temperature drying and styling, chemical treatments, use of fixing products, and coloring) and is therefore more sensitive, the product designed for women contains more protective and nurturing ingredients for hair.

What is included in the Crescina complex?

2021-10-14T10:42:14+03:00November 24th, 2020||

CRESCINA kaubamärk esitleb kahte tootesarja: CRESCINA uute juuste kasvu soodustamiseks ja CRESCINA kompleksseks väljalangevate juuste korrektsiooniks ja kasvu soodustamiseks. CRESCINA uute juuste kasvu soodustamiseks.See vahend stimuleerib juuste loomulikku kasvu. Müügil karbis 10 või 20 ampulli kaupa (merevaiguvärvi) koos spetsotsikuga, et [...]

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