Hyaluronic acid is a key molecule involved in the skin's aging process, and its deficiency accelerates aging and leads to increasingly pronounced clinical signs. Hyaluronic acid molecules play a vital role in retaining moisture in the skin. They are part of the extracellular matrix, which acts as the framework of the skin. Previously, researchers focused on the aging of cells in various layers of the skin, but it is now clear that the molecules forming this structure and maintaining skin hydration play a crucial role. Over the years, the skin loses its ability to synthesize HA molecules, making it necessary to replenish them externally, especially during the premenopausal or menopausal period. When HA levels in the skin begin to decline, it’s also important to identify other risk factors. These include UV radiation, polluted air, seasonal changes, an unhealthy lifestyle, or prolonged computer work. In such cases, the skin requires additional hydration. It is essential to start supplementing HA intake at the right time.
Aastate jooksul kaotab nahk võime HA molekule ise sünteesida ja on aeg neid väljastpoolt täiendada, eriti menopausieelsel või juba menopausi ajal.
Kui HA kogus nahas hakkab vähenema, on oluline välja selgitada ka muud riskitegurid. Nende hulka kuuluvad ultraviolettkiirgus, saastatud õhk, hooajalisus või ebatervislik eluviis ning arvuti töö. Sellistel juhtudel vajab nahk lisaniiskust. Oluline on alustada täiendavat HA tarbimist õigeaegselt.
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